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Rotating Vane Anemometers: Common Applications and Tips & Tricks

22 mai 2019 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM CDT GoToWebinar https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6567903419874668547

This webinar is sponsored by TSI, and the speaker is Jim Schumacher, Product Specialist at TSI Inc.*Merci de noter que ce webinar est disponible en anglais uniquement.*

Join us for an RSES webinar event, sponsored by TSI.

This RSES Manufacturer Webinar series continues with an exploration of rotating vane anemometers. Learn about the technology behind rotating vane anemometers, and common applications where these instruments are used. Experts in the industry will reveal tips and tricks, like measuring air velocity in large areas using a “sweep” technique, and correcting for air cone backpressure.

This webinar is sponsored by TSI, and the speaker is Jim Schumacher, Product Specialist at TSI Inc.

Register to attend Rotating Vane Anemometers: Common Applications and Tips & Tricks

TSI is an industry leader in precision measurement instrumentation for measuring HVAC system performance, IAQ and particulates within an occupied space. TSI offers a full line of ventilation test instruments including air velocity meters, micromanometers, capture hoods and IAQ meters, all of which increase productivity on the job site.