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TSI instruments part of two recent air quality studies in Europe

TSI customers in academic, government, and citizen-led research are increasingly using data generated by our products to measure indoor and outdoor air quality. This data can identify potential problems or confirm healthy air quality.

UFP Concentration in living room during operation of a wood stove (particles/cm3)We're proud to see two TSI instruments playing prominent roles in air quality studies in recent weeks.  We frequently find TSI particle counters, IAQ meters, personal air monitors, and other devices featured in published papers around the world. Here's more information about these two most recent papers.

Particle pollution research

During the last week of November 2019, researchers published these studies on indoor and outdoor air quality. Both projects used TSI instruments to measure airborne particles.

We hope you enjoy learning about some of the latest air quality research going on in colleges and communities. If you come across interesting and impactful research projects, feel free to let us know about them in the comments below. 

Posted on Dec 02 2019 12:29
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