
News and information about your industry - are TSI instruments part of your field or research area? Browse our IEQ blog posts below.

Why Are HVAC Systems So Important for Restaurants?

Within the hospitality industry, the comfort of your guests is as crucial as the quality of food you serve. An important aspect of comfort is the role played by Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. These systems do more than just maintain a pleasant temperature; they ensure a welcoming atmosphere where guests can relax and enjoy their meals. So, why are HVAC systems indispensable in restaurants? And how do they affect everything from customer satisfaction to operational efficiency?

The Importance of Environmental Monitoring in Data Centers

In today's digital world, data centers are the behind-the-scenes powerhouses keeping the online infrastructure running smoothly. For this reason, facility managers need to track temperature, humidity and air quality parameters.

Combatting Hidden Hazards of Bad Air Quality in Restaurant Kitchens

The air quality inside buildings, particularly in restaurant kitchens, is an often-overlooked aspect of environmental health. Research shows that exposure to particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the kitchen can be responsible for a range of respiratory health effects and it has been demonstrated that chefs and other restaurant staff are likely to be at increased health risk due to exposure to these contaminants in commercial kitchens.

Exploring the Health Consequences of Air Pollution

The health effects of air pollution are profound and can affect almost every organ system in the body. Long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory illnesses, and lung cancer, significantly reducing life expectancy.

Understanding Indoor Air Quality: 11 Terms You Should Know

Understanding indoor air quality (IAQ) involves familiarizing yourself with key terms that describe the various components, pollutants, and factors that influence the cleanliness of the air we breathe. Learn more.

Pollution Impacts from Construction Sites and How to Mitigate

The urban landscape is ever-changing. New buildings rise, old ones are refurbished, and the skyline constantly evolves. While construction activities are signs of progress and growth, they also have undeniable environmental repercussions, particularly in the area of air pollution, which can have a devastating impact on people's health.

The Challenges of Indoor Air Quality in Architecture and Building Design

Architecture is not only about creating aesthetically pleasing buildings. It's also about designing spaces that are functional, sustainable, and promote the health and wellbeing of the building and the occupants within. One of the most critical aspects of building design is indoor air quality (IAQ). This blog lays out some of the complexities and challenges architects and designers face when addressing IAQ in their design plans, and offer solutions and trends happening in the field.

VOC Monitoring in Commercial and Office Buildings

Ensuring good indoor air quality (IAQ) in commercial and office buildings has never been more critical. Among the various components that contribute to IAQ, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) monitoring is gaining prominence.

Indoor Air Quality Affecting Student Attendance: Insights from a Research Study

In a groundbreaking recent study across many US schools, researchers have shed light on the profound impact of indoor environmental quality on student attendance.

Why Wildfire Smoke is a Health Concern

When wildfires occur, vegetation and other organic matter burn, producing smoke that contains a complex mixture of gases and fine particles, that can have adverse health effects for people both outside and inside buildings.

The Invisible Dilemma: Why Indoor Air Quality is Oftentimes Worse Than Outdoor Air Quality

In an increasingly urbanized world, people are spending more time indoors than ever before. From homes to offices and commercial spaces, we find ourselves sheltered from the elements. While it might seem like a protective cocoon, the reality is that the air we breathe indoors is often more polluted than the air outside.

Designing Better Buildings with a Focus on Indoor Air Quality

Designing buildings with a focus on improving indoor air quality is no longer an option but a necessity - explore various design strategies and considerations that can help create healthier indoor environments.

10 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality: Creating a Healthier Environment

Maintaining good indoor air quality (IAQ) is essential for creating a healthy living environment. Read our 10 recommendations on how to improve your IAQ.

Enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality: Understanding the Significance of Sound and Noise

The acoustic environment within a building significantly impacts our well-being, productivity, and overall comfort. Building standards have emphasized the importance of IEQ when assessing building performance.

A Comprehensive Guide on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a group of organic chemicals that easily vaporize at room temperature and are emitted as gases. Learn more about most common VOCs and their impact on indoor air quality.

The Importance of Measuring Indoor Air Quality within Salons

Beauty salons are a popular destination for those seeking manicures, pedicures, haircuts, hair coloring, massages, and other beauty treatments. While these treatments are supposed to make us feel good, some don’t realize that many of them can also pose certain health risks. To ensure occupants are not exposed to various pollutant dangers, it is important for salons to deploy continuous monitors to manage the indoor air quality (IAQ) within the building.

Balancing Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency: Strategies for Building Managers

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important consideration for building managers and occupants alike. This blog article explores potential ways to help improve IAQ while simultaneously reducing emissions and energy costs.

Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation’s Continued Focus on Indoor Air Quality – Event Findings

TSI continued their conversation with Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation’s (CSEC) Richard Gurney to talk more about what the Q-Trak™ XP Indoor Air Quality Monitor and AirAssure™ Indoor Air Quality Monitor have helped them uncover during events.

5 Things to Know About Particulate Matter

Particulate matter, also known as PM, refers to tiny particles suspended in the air. These particles can be made up of a variety of materials, including dust, dirt, soot, and smoke.

What’s the Big Deal with Gas Stoves?

A recent article published on Science Northwest written by Dan Jaffe and Amelie Creekmore at the University of Washington talks about the risks of cooking with a gas stove, how you can monitor the indoor air quality in your home, and ways to improve it.

What is the difference between IAQ and IEQ?

IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) and IEQ (Indoor Environmental Quality) are related but distinct terms that refer to different aspects of the indoor quality of the air and environment.

Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation Puts a Focus on Indoor Air Quality

Is the air being supplied throughout the Saddledome Arena healthy? Read on for additional findings.

WELL Research Uncovers Economic Returns of Healthy Buildings

The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) has recently published an insightful paper on how healthy building solutions can generate higher performance and economic returns

Indoor air pollution: Why our homes and offices need a health check

A recent article posted in The Irish Times explains why ventilation is crucial, particularly in airtight spaces

Is Formaldehyde Lurking In Your Air?

Formaldehyde is a colorless and very water-soluble gas and is suspected of being carcinogenic.

10 Air Quality Concerns in Office Buildings

The demand for measuring air quality in indoor environments has grown significantly in recent years. Discover top 10 air quality concerns in office buildings and possible remediation.

The Impact of HVAC Systems in Schools on Indoor Environmental Quality

To maintain good indoor air quality in classrooms and school buildings, regular ventilation check-ups, and continuous monitoring of ventilation systems are essential. School administrators or facility managers should take immediate action if they notice any signs of poor air quality within their buildings.

TSI and Building4Health Join Forces to Manage Indoor Air Quality to Optimize Occupant Health

TSI is proud to announce our strategic relationship with B4H. This cooperation combines TSI's technology in IAQ monitoring with B4H's integrated medical, biological and architecture expertise.

The Power of Knowing: How to Combat Sick Building Syndrome

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) has been definitively linked to SBS and the related drop in occupant well-being and productivity. What steps can be taken to combat it?

5 ways to minimize the impact of wildfires on indoor air quality

With the increased frequency and severity of wildfires, how prepared are you to manage the effects of wildfire smoke on your building’s indoor quality (IAQ)?